New 1.1 Features:
- Product descriptions.
- Account balance information retrieved when you download the new titles, send in an order, or on-demand through the menus.
- Automatically fill-out your orders based on one or more prior orders of your choice (Menu: Options, Auto Fill-Out Order).
- Unlimited spreadsheet size. We will now begin listed additional "Westfield Online-exclusive items" on the electronic order-forms.
- The Find function (Ctrl-F) now gives you an option of searching descriptions.
- Optionally double-click the items that you wish to order - this will increment the quantity for the item.
- Optional background screens (selectable from the Options menu). You can also exit Westfield Online, copy DIB, WMF or BMP files to your WESTNET directory, and restart the program. The image files will be added to the Options menu. (Remember that the larger the image files, the more memory will be used).
- Greater compression on product files during downloads that reduces transfer time.
- Automatic setting of the current product file (if you get the new files from the FTP site). Just use File, Open to open the new file. When you press the Send button, you will be asked if you want the file set as the current product file.
New 1.1a Features:
- Send and Download orders directly through the Internet (via a PPP/SLIP Internet connection) Choose Options, Modem Settings and select the "Use Internet" check box to activate this feature. NOTE: The account balance is not yet retrieved through the Internet. The menu selection Order, Update Account Balance will call Westfield directly for this info. You can also just enter your current balance manually by clicking on the Account Balance box.
- Auto Fill-Out Order enhancement: excludes storage supplies and Westfield Online-Exclusive items.
- The latest order's Ship Frequency is remembered each time you download a new order-form file.
New 1.1b Features:
- New discount breaks added.
New 1.1c Features:
- Fixed Internet transfer issue -- caused by server change.
Information on Downloading and Installing:
The file wol_110.exe is a self-extracting PKZIP file that contains the program files. These files can be extracted into a new subdirectory - no setup program is necessary.
The file wol_110s.exe is a self-extracting PKZIP file that contains the program files and a setup program for an easy upgrade from a prior version.
Please send all feedback including bug reports to
- As with the first WOL, this is Windows 3.1/Windows 95 16-bit version.
- The program has been tested on Windows NT and OS/2, and should run fine on these platforms.
- A Windows 95 32-bit version is still scheduled for future release.
- This program is backward-compatible with your existing Customer Information file (CustInfo.Bin), product files (*.prd), order files (*.ord), and WestNet.Ini file. These files should always be placed in the program directory (usually WESTNET).
- MAC USERS NOTE: Now you can order online on our Web site order-form!
- Jay Wegert
General Manager, The Westfield Company
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