The Best Comic Sites
Westfield's Favorites

Publisher Sites

AC Comics
Antarctic Press
Black Eye Productions - The Electric Eye
The Bruce Hamilton Company Gladstone, Another Rainbow, Hamilton Comics
Chanting Monks Studio(formerly CFD Publications)
Crosby Comics
Dark Horse Comics
DC Comics Online
Insight Studios - Radical Dreamer, Tug & Buster and more.
Marvel Comics
Sirius Entertainment
WildStorm Productions

Comic Book Sites

For a very comprehensive list check out Comic Book Resources.

Ambush Bug Home Page
Bone - The Barrel-Haven
Captain Awareness
Captain Jim
Crossbone's Hideout - Captain America's Deadliest Foe
Dave Rawson's Private Life - A comic writer's home page.
Doom Patrol Home Page
Ghost Rider - Ajnin's Ghost Rider Page
The Green - Dedicated to Swamp Thing
Groo the Wanderer
Megaton Man Weekly Serial by Don Simpson - Megaton Man, Bizarre Heroes, etc. These all-new adventures of the Man of Molecules have been going strong for over 104 weeks, and represent one of the most significant original cartooning projects published exclusively on the Internet at the moment. (And it's funny, too!)
Milk and Cheese
The Mutant Page
Nowheresville - A book by Mark Ricketts, from Caliber Comics
Strangers in Paradise
Strangers in Paradise Unofficial Home Page
Strangers in Paradise Official Home Page
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Transformers - Ajnin's Transformers Page

Movie-Related Sites

The Official Star Wars web site.
Tank Girl - The Movie
Universal Pictures - Movie clips, pictures, interviews, etc. for current Universal projects.

Fan-Magazine Sites

The Comics Journal
Digital Webbing - Daily news about your favorite comic book web sites.
Hogan's Alley - The magazine of the cartoon arts.
Wizard Press

Online Comic Books

Onca Ray, an ancient Egyptian Princess
Ribman - RibMan has won awards from The Los Angeles Times, Food and Wine and others.
Virtual Comics - Online, interactive comics

Online Comic Strips

Badger and Jones' Wonderland
Hobnob Inn
The Comic Zone - United Media's collection of comic strips including Peanuts, Dilbert, Marmaduke and more.
Not In My Backyard! - A daily online comic strip that also appears weekly in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram

Other Comic Related Sites

ComicBase - The comic collector software.
The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund - A group that helps protect freedom of speech in the US by fighting censorship on behalf of readers and vendors of comic books.
Dave Rawson's Links to Other Comic Sites
Digital Splash Page - Lots of comic book art
Fandata - Fandom Directory database for the comics and sf universe.
Comic Book Resources
Lois and Clark
Pop Rocket - Comic book and pop culture news & reviews.
Real Heroes?? - Actual photographic evidence that SuperHeroes exist.
Spider-Man Crawl Space
Warner Bros. Online
The X-Files